

unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a seed; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.

Finding Freedom in English: My Solution to Online Expression Concerns

Recently, I've been pondering the issue of expressing my thoughts in writing. Despite having plenty of ideas, I always struggle to put them into written words.

Upon deeper reflection, I've identified several reasons for this concern with expressing myself in Chinese:

  1. Lack of effective communication skills, limited vocabulary, and difficulty organizing my thoughts coherently.

  2. The most fatal factor is my inability to tolerate my own writing style. It has reached a point where I even find my own written expressions distasteful.

  3. The majority of present-day Chinese vocabulary no longer possesses the purity it once had before the internet era. Words can be easily scrutinized, leading to subjective interpretations and misunderstandings. Nothing scares me more than being misinterpreted.

I've spent a considerable amount of time contemplating how to express myself in a way that would put my mind at ease. Here are some strategies I considered:

  1. Engaging in extensive reading to enhance my literary knowledge and expression skills.

  2. Focusing on objectively documenting events rather than indulging in unnecessary complaints.

  3. Simplifying sentence structures.

  4. Brainstorming and jotting down only keywords.

However, after careful consideration, none of these approaches satisfied me. Why is it so challenging to simply record my thoughts using pure text?

Fortunately, enlightenment struck me a few days ago: If improving my Chinese expression seems difficult, why not consider using a different language altogether? That's when I thought, "Why not use English as a substitute?"

The advantages of writing in English are twofold: firstly, it reduces subjective interpretations caused by the Chinese language context, and secondly, it allows me to expand my vocabulary and enhance the accuracy of my expression.

With tools like Obsidian, GitHub, ChatGPT, and Xlog, the possibilities are endless—truly a perfect combination!

And lastly, I must admit, I am just too brilliant for my own good! Hahaha~

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