

unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a seed; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.

The Journey of a NAS Beginner

Only record the troubleshooting issues that started from getting into NAS.

QNAP NAS detailed expansion tutorial after inserting a new hard drive

QNAP NAS setup tutorial after inserting the second new hard drive

NAS storage popular science 丨 Understand storage pools, volumes, snapshots, and directory mounts in one article

QNAP Classroom: It is said that 90% of players choose the wrong storage volume, so how should static volumes, thick volumes, and thin volumes be selected?

Alist configuration tutorial
QNAP Study Society Article 13: A step-by-step guide to mounting Aliyun Drive with QNAP NAS. NAS Storage What’s worth buying (

Scan the code to get the Alist refresh token
Get Aliyundrive Refresh Token | AList Docs (

Step-by-step guide to using Alist to mount Aliyun Drive on QNAP TS-212P3 and link it to Kodi for playback NAS Storage What’s worth buying (

Reasons why Kodi cannot add SMB shares on NAS - Kodi Tutorial - Kodi Chinese Network (

Step-by-step guide to using QNAP NAS (4) - Configure permissions, remote WebDAV access to NAS files - QNAP - Chiphell - Sharing and exchanging user experiences

Aliyun Drive + Alist + KODI, a minimalist setup for an audio-visual media library Network Storage What’s worth buying (

Docker installation of v2rayA - Amjun's Blog (

Install V2RayA with Docker and provide proxy services to allow NAS Tools, computers, mobile phones, and other devices to access the internet via proxy! - YouTube

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